Pics: Above: 'Victim' Emilie (I lie) ParkerBelow:'Slain Teacher' Vicki Desoto. Look at the creep in the background giving devil horn sign Satanism in Newtownby Perry J. DeAngelis The Connecticut...
View ArticleRev Matt Hale's Attorneys File Petition At Supreme Court!
Sunday, 18 August 2013Rev Matt Hale's Attorneys File Petition At Supreme Court! Aug 40AC(2013) Attorneys for Reverend Matt Hale filed a petition for a writ of certiorari at the Supreme Court of the...
DC Navy Shipyard Shooting is a HoaxThis is from www.nodisinfo.com DC ShipyardOther Hoaxes— 16 September 2013 WhDC Navy Shipyard Shooting is a HoaxThe timing of it all is telling, as the Obama regime...
View ArticleNews David Suzuki says Canada is ‘full’ and calls country’s immigration...
NewsDavid Suzuki says Canada is ‘full’ and calls country’s immigration policy ‘crazy’Famous environmentalist makes some questionable comments about immigration in interview with French newspaperDavid...
View ArticleZIONIST JEWS DID 911
911MiResist.Com World Jewish Congress Pres. Billionaire Ronald Lauder privatized the WTC. He's in Jew B'nai B'rith, Anti-Defamation League (ADL), and other Jew Orgs. Founded a Mossad school in...
View ArticleNairobi Shooting Hoax Crisis Actors Caught Faking Injuries
Nairobi Shooting Hoax Crisis Actors Caught Faking Injuries : From 'nodisinfo'Other HoaxesZionist Terror— 22 September 2013Nairobi Shooting Hoax Crisis Actors Caught Faking InjuriesLike all the people...
View ArticleAbsolute Proof the Nairobi Mall Massacre is a Zionist Hoax
From www.nodisinfo.comUPDATED – Absolute Proof the Nairobi Mall Massacre is a Zionist HoaxNairobi HoaxOther HoaxesZionist Terror— 22 September 2013 UPDATED: Absolute Proof the Nairobi Mall Massacre is...
View ArticleNewtown Students Record 'Over the Rainbow' With Ingrid Michaelson
Those of you familiar with the disgusting Jewish Kabbalah and MK Ultra Mind Control Programming will see the obvious significance of 21 children singing 'Over the Rainbow' from the Wizard of Oz Mind...
View ArticleUnited States Incorporated
United States Incorporated England, Canada, Australian and many other countries are led politically by “Prime Ministers” to the Queen. In fact she is the official head of 123 commonwealth countries....
View ArticleWord Magic and Law
Berth (Birth Certificate)CitizenshipLeadershipWorshipCurrencyLordshipLadyshipCash FlowRelationship Liquid AssetsFrozen AccountBail (Baal, Jewish Demon)Bankruptcy (River Bank rupt sea)Bar ExamSeal ( Sea...
View ArticleNew studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy, hostile
Sunday, July 14th, 2013 | Posted by Kevin BarrettNew studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy, hostile by Kevin BarrettRecent studies by psychologists and social scientists in the...
View ArticleDon Andrews - A Great Canadian and Great Friend - article by Don Andrews....
In the separation of multicultural forced integrated society, there's a natural separation progression, Whites are just now realizing that a race-mixed society is not so hot. After having been fed the...
View ArticleThe Beatles, Charles Manson and Occult Ritual Murder
Evil Beatles?Updated Sept.12th 2009 To correct any facts given here contact: tagget54@yahoo.com Editor: This is an excellent article I found on the Net. I would like to add that Paul McCartney went to...
Remember Pierre Elliot Trudeau? Hint: Jesuit trained Communist wrecker of Canada. Ed: I first learned of this disgusting phenomenon 30 years ago. A freind of mine was raised in Ottawa, the capitol pf...
Wednesday, 03 July 2013 18:20 “Saint” Mandela? Not So Fast! Written by William F. JasperPresident Barack Obama has compared him to George Washington. MSNBC’s Chris Matthews heralded him as “perhaps...
View ArticleWas Aleister Crowley Barbara Bush's Father?
Pauline Pierce was friends with Aleister Crowley, maybe more than friends. Pauline had a reputation of being a bit on the wild-side in the 20's. It's been reported that she and Aleister were in...
The True Meaning of '666'. In Occult Numerology, or, Gematria, all numbers except 11 are reduced to a single digit. 6+6+6 = 18. 1 plus 8 equals 9. The number 9 is considered the number of man in a...
View ArticleArticle 7
THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AND ISLAM The Inner Court teachings of the three major religions are based on the ancient Luciferian Solar Sex Cults (Baal Worship).Mohommed's was a penniless figure whose wife...
View ArticleRobin Williams' Family Guy episode showing failed suicide attempt was on BBC...
BBC cancelled plans to repeat the episode on FridayCHRISTOPHER HOOTON Tuesday 12 August 2014Photos: Williams shows his allegianceAn episode of cartoon comedy Family Guy about Robin Williams featuring a...
View ArticleIs Cliff Richard the latest ‘Celebrity’ to be Outed as a Pedophile?
From the Sovereign Independent UKI can confirm that documents seized under warrant by members of the Operation Fairbank police investigation team (now Operation Fernbridge) as evidence in the Elm Guest...
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