World Jewish Congress Pres. Billionaire Ronald Lauder privatized
the WTC. He's in Jew B'nai B'rith, Anti-Defamation League (ADL),
and other Jew Orgs. Founded a Mossad school in Herzliya, Israel.
Jew Lewis Eisenberg of UJA, UJF & Goldman-Sachs on July 24, 2001
transfered the WTC lease to Jewish Larry Silverstein ($5 billion
WTC insurance) and Haganah Jew terrorist Mall Tycoon Frank Lowy.
Within a week before 9/11, Israeli owned ZIM integrated shipping
service broke their lease, taking a $50,000 loss, and pulled out
of the WTC North Tower floors 16 & 17 within days prior to 9/11.
Jewish Chertoff removed FBI agents from duties investigating ZIM
and sent them to desk jobs. CIA source working with the FBI said
"The Israeli movers moved in the explosives when ZIM moved out."
September 10, 2001 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld reported
publically on television that "We cannot track over two trillion
dollars in Pentagon transactions." American-Israeli dual citizen
Jewish Rabbi Dov Zakheim was Pentagon's Chief Financial Officer.
The Pentagon's hit in the remodeling section only. This specific
section contained The Pentagon budget information, and 125 died.
FBI confiscated then classified all video tapes for this impact.
Top executives run to the lawn to hide small pieces of evidence.
9/11 morning Vice President Jew Dick Cheney commanded simulation
drills with NORAD to divert them from real planes. SPC Tech CEO,
Dov Zakheim, can remote control up to 8 planes from 1 Op center.
9AM planes crash into both towers. 10AM exploded in ten seconds.
5PM building number 7 also falls by explosions in seven seconds.
Jew Larry Silverstein admits on television he ordered "pull it",
to destroy WTC building 7 with controlled demolition explosives.
After 7 months, FEMA claimed that they did not know how #7 fell.
5 Jews from Israel celebrated near the WTC on 9/11. Nov. 2001, 3
on Israel talk show say "Our purpose was to document the event."
A white van for, CIA confirmed, Jew Israeli Mossad front company
Urban Moving Systems was pulled over before they can blow up the
George Washington bridge. Bomb dogs detected the explosives. The
Jews had $4700 cash, highlighted maps and Israeli passports. The
Jews were detained for 71 days then quietly released. The orders
to close the investigation came from the White House to cover-up
Jewish Israeli Mossad involvement. 90 Israeli Jews were arrested
or detained under anti-terrorism law and immigration violations.
All failed polygraph tests and they "served in Israeli military,
electronic surveillance intercept or explosive ordinance units."
Israeli owned ICTS did 9/11 security for all 4 plane's airports.
ICTS is immune to lawsuits under Patriot Acts written by Jewish-
Israeli-American dual citizen former Homeland Security Director,
Michael Chertoff, 9/11 Attorney General of the Criminal Division
released Jewish Mossad Terrorists, who did 9/11, back to Israel.
Jewish Chertoff family founded Israel & Jewish terrorist Mossad.
"By way of deception thou shall do war." Jewish terrorist motto.
Jewish USA Federal Judges hide 9/11 evidence. A Jewish lawyer is
special mediator of legal suits & not one have made it to trial.