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DC Navy Shipyard Shooting is a Hoax

This is from www.nodisinfo.com

DC ShipyardOther Hoaxes— 16 September 2013

UPDATED: DC Navy Shipyard Shooting is a Hoax

WhDC Navy Shipyard Shooting is a Hoax

The timing of it all is telling, as the Obama regime sees its own public demise before its hideous face. Timing. It tells all.
It figures the Zionists would pick a naval facility for this false flag, since the Navy is the portion of the American military poised to strike Syria. It is also no coincidence that arch-Zionist and warmongering Rockefeller asset, NBC, is the main force behind the hoaxing stories of, once again, a deranged lone gunman.

Same situation as Sandy Hook, Santa Monica, McNair, and more: lone gunman that doesn’t exist, except in a figment of imagination (or as a well-paid crisis actor).  Holed-up. “A bald black man,” and/or lone shooter with AR-15-style assault weapon.” Same phony story. Can anyone conceive it? It’s a Zionist-inspired fake. Who can prove otherwise?
Some might call this a false flag. Yet, it can’t be a false flag, because nothing happened.

The Zionists need this hoax desperately. Like the others, the story will change as it goes along, since it is merely a lie.
There are so many liars that they can’t keep track of each other. That’s why there are so many stories.
From NBC, fraudsters in action for big pay:
By Jim Miklaszewski, Pete Williams and Richard Esposito, NBC News
Four people were shot to death and at least six others wounded Monday at a Navy facility in Washington, authorities told NBC News.

SWAT officers swarmed the facility, the headquarters of the Naval Sea Systems Command at the Washington Navy Yard. Authorities were trying to assess the casualties in the chaos that followed, but one source told NBC News that the shooter was also cornered.

A naval security guard was among those shot and was hit in both legs, U.S. military officials said. Washington city police told WRC, the NBC affiliate in Washington, that one of their officers was also among those shot. It was not clear how many of the others shot were civilian and how many were military.
NBC’s Jim Miklaszewski reports on the U.S. Navy Yard in Washington, D.C. and shares the latest information. NBC’s Kasie Hunt also joins the conversation.

Tim Hogan, a spokesman for Rep. Steven Horsford of Nevada, posted photos to his Twitter account of people tending to at least one person down on a street corner.

The Navy said on its Twitter feed that three shots were fired at 8:20 a.m. ET at the Sea Systems Command headquarters. Almost an hour later, the Navy still characterized the shooter as “active.” The military officials said that the gunman may have been armed with an AR-15, a military-style assault rifle.
Flights were briefly grounded at Reagan National Airport, and Capitol police said they were stepping up security on the Capitol grounds. The White House said President Barack Obama was getting regular briefings. Washington police told WRC that nearby schools were locked down, and some bridges were closed.

About 3,000 people work in the Navy building, the Navy said. They were ordered to stay in place. WRC video showed a medical helicopter lifting someone off a roof.

The Naval Sea Systems Command builds, buys and maintains ships and submarines and their combat systems. The Navy Yard is along the Anacostia River in Washington, near the headquarters of the Department of Transportation and the Washington Nationals baseball stadium.

From CBS, more liars and cheats in action:

Flights were briefly grounded at Reagan National Airport, and Capitol police said they were stepping up security on the Capitol grounds. The White House said President Barack Obama was getting regular briefings. Washington police told WRC that nearby schools were locked down, and some bridges were closed.

About 3,000 people work in the Navy building, the Navy said. They were ordered to stay in place. WRC video showed a medical helicopter lifting someone off a roof.
The Naval Sea Systems Command builds, buys and maintains ships and submarines and their combat systems. The Navy Yard is along the Anacostia River in Washington, near the headquarters of the Department of Transportation and the Washington Nationals baseball stadium.

This was a drill. Nothing happened, and no matter what is said as this goes along, no one died, and no one was injured. Those who claim otherwise are either crisis actors or Zionist moles. Regardless, what is Obama being briefed about – whether or not the world quickly uncovers this as a scam?

All the footage is contrived. None of this is real: pure make-believe. Moreover, yes, all the players, all those who claim a real massacre are crisis actors paid for a role and/or Zionist assets.

Too, see who they quote. It is the key quote of attempted intimidation, that is those ominous, ever-present forces, the ‘anonymous’ “authorities.” Fake: whenever this is in print it is guaranteed to be a fraud.

These hoaxes are all too common and all to easy, now, to realize. Same situation. The general public attending to the mortally wounded; people loitering about. No emergency of any kind; no EMTs attending to the ‘victim’; just regular people. This alone proves the degree of the hoax.
Navy shooting-3
This is a fake and a scam, make no mistake about it. All it is, in fact, is a drill. This single picture proves it. Note the man in the grey shirt, just standing by. They are all scam artists who are in this hoax for mere monetary gain or, possibly, they are so-called Obama Democrats and can’t stand to see their fearless leader shut down at every pass.
Seems that the cop is directing traffic,  blowing a whistle, trying to prevent spectator slowing. Regardless, what is this fake victim doing on the curb? Oh, that’s right, since these are crisis actors working on behalf of the Zionists, the purpose is to create fright and shock in the public consciousness for the sake of the UN Small Arms Treaty, a plot that derives directly from the Zionist entity, along with American Jewry, as seen in the Boston hoax and Sandy hoax.
Here are some zoomed in images to look at from a different angle  (click on them to enlarge the images)
Hard proof of the hoax
Hard proof of the hoax is found in the buffoonery of crisis actors, such as this fraudster interviewed on the local news networks:
Picture 330
Picture 328
Who in this universe would call this real after seeing images such as that? They are not merely smiling, rather, they are guffawing in absolute glee. Destroying the universe with the agenda of the Obama White House; are they so gleeful for their Fraudster-in-Chief that, finally, he will get the momentum he needs to destroy the people’s inalienable rights?
Gunman dead? Just another part of the scam. There was no gunman and no corpse. Regardless, there are no conveniences or coincidences in life. This is a set-up. A dead gunman tells no tales and is a necessary part of the fraud, as seen in the non-existent Adam Lanza and the dummy of Santa Monica. When a real, live person is blamed for a fake shooting, there are complications, as is seen in Aurora (James Holmes) or Boston, that is a bombing (Dzhokhar Tsaraev).
Then, too, there is the fake shooter with the possibly fabricated name. What a fraud this is. What black man would do this? Moreover, where are his supposed accomplicdes. If this man does exist, he is merely a front-man for this Zionist scam, well-paid for the roll and on, now, with a new identity.
Oh, right; he shot 12 people dead, wounding others; and all the dead and the wounded, man on the curb exempted: all of them get removed from the scene (no moulage to analyze, here) by not Emergency MediVac but, rather, a police helicopter, the one with the SWAT team member on the edge? Nonsense: it’s a fools game. And, direly, only an absolute fool or truly confused one would believe all this without a careful analysis.
Picture 350
No wounded or dead people were removed from the scene with this helicopter: a complete fabrication. Let anyone prove otherwise.

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