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Don Andrews - A Great Canadian and Great Friend - article by Don Andrews. Check out his excellent website at www.natparty.com


In the separation of multicultural forced integrated society, there's a natural separation progression, Whites are just now realizing that a race-mixed society is not so hot. After having been fed the one-world commie propaganda of "Everything is beautiful" and then seeing its failure. It takes awhile to sink in that the race itself is threatened with extinction in its own homelands.

White racists are like Sears, and heroes of the breed, and yet are vilified and ignored in their own society: only fear and a mental malaise could instill that lemming ideology. A race that's technologically smarter than others, yet not smart enough to guarantee its own survival, just shows you how smart "the Jew racists" are in this over-romantic Jonestown society.

When I write about racists, I don't mean the everyone-should-have-one/pro-slavery race-mixer bigots, or the gung-ho killer meddlers who involve the white man in enough continuous wars to rival any Genghis Khan or the nuke-em-all boys. No, I mean the racists who respect other races' identity ans sphere of influence. That's the only way we can get along on this planet. Isolationist, non-interventionist foreign policies, with a people's well-paid, well-equipped and well-supplied militia guarding the homeland in every town — who's want to invade that beehive?

I've been in this movement since 1967 and have gone through three successive organizations representing modern white nationalism — a new ideology in the English-speaking new world from Australia to Canada: White men rammed and squeezed together by necessity in an increasingly nonwhite world. All of my organizations were infiltrated by police who set out to ensnare members whose reactionary criminal acts brought charges, and sometimes ignominy, to them. It's hard not to take responsibility for those under your leadership as I have on two occasions for my 200 acts of vandalism (that would now be considered acts of 'terrorism') across the city of Toronto against race-mixer reds, netting me penitentiary time and later for speaking and writing my mind along with Bob Smith in jail under the anti-free speech 'hate crimes' laws in Canada.

That's the position that beleaguered whites are in today, requiring anti-free speech police state activity to disrupt and destroy the white man's identity. Very few will come out and state their racist feelings under these conditions. A lot of the time its losers and neo-criminals who have nothing to lose. But many great leaders started off that way upon getting serious. Someone suggested Stormfront's message board (at http://www.stormfront.org/forum/f40/ ) that there should be a united national party, not a bad idea. But for now we don't need to repeat the mistakes of the past. We have the Internet. Our NPC website garners hundreds thousands of hits every month, reaching almost a million with 3.000-4,000 visitors, reaching over 70 countries per month. As soon as someone somewhere stands up for the white race, let's advertise it and spread its fame. When bigots like crack-smoking Toronto Mayor Rob Ford can be supported by on-third mostly-whites of half-nonwhite Toronto, all because he made a few racist and homophobic slurs, so can white nationalists who really mean it.

I'm running in Toronto for Mayor again on October 27, 2014 to show the world (especially anxious Canadians) how many of their kith and kin they can count on in a multicult city like Toronto. Those voting for Ford are too scared and hiding their affiliations; the last time, it was about 1,000 heroic souls. That's the hard core racist support for the NPC in this city (including two or three dozen in the inner circle around me). I recommend that everyone considering themselves white racists register for any municipal election across the country. Initially it's not the vote count that matters, but the united nationalist effort on behalf of white people's interests that benefits.

Even independents can work together in a common front — when it comes to survival.

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