Before the Jewish "Suffragette Movement" virtually no women complained about not being able to vote. Women tend to be suckers for the psychopath ("he's so charming") (Trudeau, Obama, Clinton etc) and overwhelmingly support Anti White causes - ed. sorry for the typos...
Someone has to say it, and I've been thinking it for a long time, and knowing my history, the whole white race has gone down the tubes ever since Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 to search for and get more stuff for European Jew[ish] merchants to sell to "milady." Jews and white women have something in common: they both want to have their cake and eat it too. They both want to be considered special, chosen while enjoying equality with white men. It was hard to see the rot of mercantile "race-mixing" colonialism without the great adventures, explorations and discoveries. But the undermining of white countries' economics had already started with the shifting of labor to slaves and non-white workers in their lands. destroying millions of jobs in imperialist colonialist Europe, right up to this day. That's why the planet Earth is overpopulated, because of the overly-romantic white man's and Jews' greed to usher in the unnatural oxymoron multiculturalism of feminists' favorite Pierre Trudeau who brought in that evil policy still advocated by all four mail political party leaders in Canada, including Trudeau's mop-haired darling of the anti-white bitches, Justin. Here in the province of Ontario, we are run by a lesbian premier Kathleen Wynne, who certainly doesn't have white men's interests in mind. Even though this dame has tons of scandals and has wasted billions on cancelled power plants. she was still re-elected, and certainly not by the men.
Everything had been turned topsy-turvy with feminist political correctness and matriarchal "Jew censors," so much so, that there's no freedom of speech in Canada with its hate bills and human rights commissions that give none to white nationalists. It's the same all over in most English-speaking white countries and European states like France and Germany: if you don't have the women's vote in these unrepresentative democracies, then you have nothing. White men have become second-class citizens in their homelands, where everyone bows down to women's opinions, as if they were deities. Even some racist leaders have fallen under their sway by supporting feminist/race-mixing catchphrases like deadly "diversity" which may get you a few shekels more in donations, but destroy men's independence and manliness. These are the last guys I want to hear from on how to be a man, because they already have been cuckolded, a word that now describes conservatives, as "cuck-servatives" [sic], after they failed to protect white traditions in favor of their pocketbooks and women's votes.
Did the majority of white women do anything about the legislated equalization of heterosexual and homosexual marriage? No, in fact they were in the forefront of desecrating the life-bond to have children by looking upon it the same as sodomy and dildo usage. That's how much they care about culture, society, and racial preservation with their pro-open door immigration policies to the Third World. That's a major betrayal. No sir, I don't like it!
White racists who blather on about patriarchal Muslims and want to bomb them out of existence are naïve and short-sighted, if not conspiratal [sic], when they don't recognize the attraction of the new Islamic State where not only men, but women, live in an all-male state where men rule and their women support them. Of course, none of the feminist media wants to discuss this fact, either, since they may end up attracting more males to the Islamists/race-mixers' state. White racists should work to remove all feminist anti-white politicians and elevate those who are not politically correct, like the imperfect Donald Trump, who foolishly whined in a national debate about a woman reporter from Fox News, Megyn Kelly, not treating him nicely. He received the appropriate boos on that occasion and hopefully won't cry no more to dizzy dames who are dead set against them, even though they enjoy the show, but not at the ballot box; don't worry, they'll still have plenty to say, especially from the sex-starved bedrooms of the white man's world. White women have misplaced altruism for all animals, non-whites and have shown no compassion for male white racists. That should be enough for any white nationalists to oppose their franchise which will one day be withdrawn, mark my words, because that is the essence of the white race's downfall that needs to be changed. You know the old adage: Whatever Man has done before, he can do again.
I'm in favor of our white women becoming feminine again, the sooner the better. Are you with me? Phony war on women ironically necessary
Someone has to say it, and I've been thinking it for a long time, and knowing my history, the whole white race has gone down the tubes ever since Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 to search for and get more stuff for European Jew[ish] merchants to sell to "milady." Jews and white women have something in common: they both want to have their cake and eat it too. They both want to be considered special, chosen while enjoying equality with white men. It was hard to see the rot of mercantile "race-mixing" colonialism without the great adventures, explorations and discoveries. But the undermining of white countries' economics had already started with the shifting of labor to slaves and non-white workers in their lands. destroying millions of jobs in imperialist colonialist Europe, right up to this day. That's why the planet Earth is overpopulated, because of the overly-romantic white man's and Jews' greed to usher in the unnatural oxymoron multiculturalism of feminists' favorite Pierre Trudeau who brought in that evil policy still advocated by all four mail political party leaders in Canada, including Trudeau's mop-haired darling of the anti-white bitches, Justin. Here in the province of Ontario, we are run by a lesbian premier Kathleen Wynne, who certainly doesn't have white men's interests in mind. Even though this dame has tons of scandals and has wasted billions on cancelled power plants. she was still re-elected, and certainly not by the men.
Everything had been turned topsy-turvy with feminist political correctness and matriarchal "Jew censors," so much so, that there's no freedom of speech in Canada with its hate bills and human rights commissions that give none to white nationalists. It's the same all over in most English-speaking white countries and European states like France and Germany: if you don't have the women's vote in these unrepresentative democracies, then you have nothing. White men have become second-class citizens in their homelands, where everyone bows down to women's opinions, as if they were deities. Even some racist leaders have fallen under their sway by supporting feminist/race-mixing catchphrases like deadly "diversity" which may get you a few shekels more in donations, but destroy men's independence and manliness. These are the last guys I want to hear from on how to be a man, because they already have been cuckolded, a word that now describes conservatives, as "cuck-servatives" [sic], after they failed to protect white traditions in favor of their pocketbooks and women's votes.
Did the majority of white women do anything about the legislated equalization of heterosexual and homosexual marriage? No, in fact they were in the forefront of desecrating the life-bond to have children by looking upon it the same as sodomy and dildo usage. That's how much they care about culture, society, and racial preservation with their pro-open door immigration policies to the Third World. That's a major betrayal. No sir, I don't like it!
White racists who blather on about patriarchal Muslims and want to bomb them out of existence are naïve and short-sighted, if not conspiratal [sic], when they don't recognize the attraction of the new Islamic State where not only men, but women, live in an all-male state where men rule and their women support them. Of course, none of the feminist media wants to discuss this fact, either, since they may end up attracting more males to the Islamists/race-mixers' state. White racists should work to remove all feminist anti-white politicians and elevate those who are not politically correct, like the imperfect Donald Trump, who foolishly whined in a national debate about a woman reporter from Fox News, Megyn Kelly, not treating him nicely. He received the appropriate boos on that occasion and hopefully won't cry no more to dizzy dames who are dead set against them, even though they enjoy the show, but not at the ballot box; don't worry, they'll still have plenty to say, especially from the sex-starved bedrooms of the white man's world. White women have misplaced altruism for all animals, non-whites and have shown no compassion for male white racists. That should be enough for any white nationalists to oppose their franchise which will one day be withdrawn, mark my words, because that is the essence of the white race's downfall that needs to be changed. You know the old adage: Whatever Man has done before, he can do again.
I'm in favor of our white women becoming feminine again, the sooner the better. Are you with me? Phony war on women ironically necessary
Let's get it straight: The imaginary "war on women" has all do to with white females; the Orientals, the race-mixed Arabs, and even the blacks, especially in Africa, have their women in their natural place.
Only the white race, encumbered with their Elizabeth Barrett Browning Victorian romance fantasies and consequential sexual control over their bewildered male mates has put the white race at a great disadvantage. White women are in the vanguard of overpopulating the planet with their constant commercial desires, leading to brutal imperialist colonization of the Third World's peoples for more cheap products that the internationalist matriarchal Jew[ish] merchants love to sell them. It's a nice little relationship of constant economic struggle to make it to the capitalist Jews' divisive middle class status that allows women's vanities to rule men's lifespans in the white world.
White women are in the forefront of everything against the white man's dignity and integrity by being the foremost of “race-mixers,” having achieved the power in a demoralized, greedy, merchant-run male society of having the exclusive right, now claimed by any sex. What other matriarchal society of any other non-white race can boast of that unnatural strangeness — or as William Shatner would say, weird or what?. There's [sic] a lot of white men who would love to pout an end to this topsy-turvy world, the antithesis to the natural order. God must be vanity; otherwise, no species or breed would ever survive without thinking of themselves first and foremost for a living future.
It's said that every women's middle names are vanity and security. Well, not the white dames — they're against their own vanity and security by jeopardizing their very existence with race-mixing societies that their weak recessive DNA and genes always losing to. Whites were generally made to isolate themselves from these groups; otherwise they would be washed out in a flood of sperm from non-whites amongst them. It's like nature's punishment for being stupid, Bye, bye, whitey, that's the refrain heard in most white Caucasian countries inundated with non-whites at the behest of dumb white broads. That's the basis and the crux of the white nationalists challenge: control your back-stabbing wild white women first in your own lives and encourage your friends and neighbors — and anyone else who will listen. That's the bottom line of the social problems of the dwindling white civilization everywhere.
Every time some commie, feminist, liberal or dilettante "cuck-servative" [sic] mouths off about women's rights and anti-racism, don't be silent. Today we have the help of billionaire Donald Trump who has fortunately put his foot in his mouth with his anti-feminism that even many natural women love. Trump's capitalist claptrap about taking ISIS' oil fields win him even more frightened feminists — not that the American public will go for any more boots on the ground in the Middle East after Iraq's debacle, and when they see what's happening in Syria today (See the "Bob's Beat" column of August 16).
It's better for the white cause to let the media publicly propagandize and to pretend there's a phony war on women, which will only further irritate natural white male sufferers in internationalist matriarchal Jew regimes, while we carry on the grassroots real one to save our breed.Do your part, if you're proud of your sperm.
Only the white race, encumbered with their Elizabeth Barrett Browning Victorian romance fantasies and consequential sexual control over their bewildered male mates has put the white race at a great disadvantage. White women are in the vanguard of overpopulating the planet with their constant commercial desires, leading to brutal imperialist colonization of the Third World's peoples for more cheap products that the internationalist matriarchal Jew[ish] merchants love to sell them. It's a nice little relationship of constant economic struggle to make it to the capitalist Jews' divisive middle class status that allows women's vanities to rule men's lifespans in the white world.
White women are in the forefront of everything against the white man's dignity and integrity by being the foremost of “race-mixers,” having achieved the power in a demoralized, greedy, merchant-run male society of having the exclusive right, now claimed by any sex. What other matriarchal society of any other non-white race can boast of that unnatural strangeness — or as William Shatner would say, weird or what?. There's [sic] a lot of white men who would love to pout an end to this topsy-turvy world, the antithesis to the natural order. God must be vanity; otherwise, no species or breed would ever survive without thinking of themselves first and foremost for a living future.
It's said that every women's middle names are vanity and security. Well, not the white dames — they're against their own vanity and security by jeopardizing their very existence with race-mixing societies that their weak recessive DNA and genes always losing to. Whites were generally made to isolate themselves from these groups; otherwise they would be washed out in a flood of sperm from non-whites amongst them. It's like nature's punishment for being stupid, Bye, bye, whitey, that's the refrain heard in most white Caucasian countries inundated with non-whites at the behest of dumb white broads. That's the basis and the crux of the white nationalists challenge: control your back-stabbing wild white women first in your own lives and encourage your friends and neighbors — and anyone else who will listen. That's the bottom line of the social problems of the dwindling white civilization everywhere.
Every time some commie, feminist, liberal or dilettante "cuck-servative" [sic] mouths off about women's rights and anti-racism, don't be silent. Today we have the help of billionaire Donald Trump who has fortunately put his foot in his mouth with his anti-feminism that even many natural women love. Trump's capitalist claptrap about taking ISIS' oil fields win him even more frightened feminists — not that the American public will go for any more boots on the ground in the Middle East after Iraq's debacle, and when they see what's happening in Syria today (See the "Bob's Beat" column of August 16).
It's better for the white cause to let the media publicly propagandize and to pretend there's a phony war on women, which will only further irritate natural white male sufferers in internationalist matriarchal Jew regimes, while we carry on the grassroots real one to save our breed.Do your part, if you're proud of your sperm.