Murder, rape and chaos are the result of multicultural anti-white racism, so obviously, Nature's racism must be the serious alternative for peace and prosperity and a future identity.
Self-loather anti-racists like to dismiss natural-order racists as kooks and mean idiots. But they are the only white men and women who have stood up to the powers of the state and expressed the same views that millions of white people are, walking around, mumbling and grumbling about in this globalist multicult bizzaro world that has been imposed upon them. Racists are the true leaders of the white people when they are facing extinction. This is no laughing matter. It happened before and it will happen again -- when weak, recessive-DNA is mixed with nonwhite genes, you don't get any white people out of these unions. Just look at places like India and Egypt. Even all of North Africa, where there were once whites living there-- and now they're all coffee-colored, and will themselves eventually separate according to topography and customs. That's what happened in Spanish-speaking South America; Portuguese-speaking racemixed [sp] Brazil is next.
Racism is as natural as breathing. That's why there's such extraordinary globalist propaganda and laws to suppress it. That goes for every race's racism. Whites have been a little slower to resist anti-racism and commie-feminist enforcements, because of their frivolous, female-centric society that undermines the white man's belief in a gender equality (if you're so smart, how can you be so stupid as to be against your own race?) Do you think whites could have flooded any nonwhite country with the assistance of their women -- Or that there wouldn't be any bloodshed? What do you think all these Boko Haram, Taliban and al-Shabaab groups are all about? There would be new Boxer Rebellions if whites tried this in China. That's the guts of the serious white nationalists today. I'll never forget reading the book Massacre in Shenzi, when the haughty white missionaries dismissed the fervor of the Boxer movement when a skinny old man stood outside their mission, racially ranting and raving at the foreigners, much to their own chagrin. The same story goes here: globalist anti-racist whites have created an anxious atmosphere for whites in their own land, and now whites are waking up, especially in America with the all-white Donald Trump rallies. White self-loather anti-racism for politically-correct propaganda is tantamount to North Korean megaphones blasting at the south -- It's just white noise now. Donald Trump surrounds himself with different colors of people, but he knows his white base, which is tolerant, and not mean-spirited, inviting all to vote for the next landslide President of the United States. These are the beginnings of a white revolution that usually starts off slowly and then fails -- until harder voices take over and correct the betrayals.
Racism is in the forefront, and now is not the time to step back and apologize that you were "just kidding" or hide behind cartoon memes. Racism isn't something to flip-flop over; you can't be a racist one day and an anti-racist the next just to curry favor with dames or the media. You can't parse the words "racist" and "racism" with "racialist" and "racialism"; "Lul-ifying [sp]" something doesn't make it more palatable; it just makes you look like a sneak. Racism is not a game -- it's with you every day in a hundred little ways, choices you make and attitudes you take in a multicult society where there are no guarantees or expectations for your foreign neighbors or your own kind now that there is no moral standard of any particular religion, heritage or way that you should act. Life becomes a more-locks-on-your-doors Seinfeld world without the Jews' money just to survive, just to lolligag around. White racism will have to bring back moral order, based on the white man's way. That's why we must deal harshly with white criminals taking advantage of this chaos. Let's not elevate serial killers and torturers.. there's nothing funny about that, or re-hashing other peoples' evil with unnecessary, mean "Grandpa Lampshades" idiotic references. White racists should not be here to repeat the mistakes of the past, but learn from them. Without common sense, good will and fair play you're not going anywhere. internally or externally in this white racist "Surviviorman [sp] " operation that we are succeeding so far, while the 'post-racial' morons grind their teeth in ignominy.
Sure I have a good time participating in white nationalist politics that our disappearing white enemies refer to as 'hate' with their hateful faces. There is a satisfaction and joy in being proven to be right and even some 'schadenfreud [sp]', when our enemies get the comeuppance they deserve, but all in all, being a racist is a serious business, one that all whites have to practice every day in a globalist racemixers [sp]' society, while a few of us practice it publicly, thoughtful of our audience and supporters.