This man is a bully and a phony. He spends most of his time chasing his dead friends daughter who is 50 years younger than him. How gross. He, as Wolfgang Droege said, is insane and not really White. His poor tenant epileptic and cripple and nice guy
Bob Smith gets yelled at and bullied daily by this prick. Just despicable behavior. Calls others weirdos when his shleps are all goofs who look like the set of Deliverance. Like Ivan, president of the Hollow Earth Society and Royalty. Then there's the guy with the biker patches that are all fake. And the guy who got a sex change. And the nasty Jew who Don likes around just to rub your face in shit. Don has his website run by CSIS spy White hating Gerry Lincoln a homo Jew lover. Don is a low life Jewnigger mix pretending to extoll White Values while being trailer park trash. He is unfair, mean spirted and nothing good comes from him. His politcal meetings are just drunken potsmoking dribble. The Nat Party is just Don's ego trip no one belongs to it and Don funnily enough won't seriously promote his cause because he knows it's a joke. Don gets jealous like a dizzy dame if anyone says anything intelligent or interesting and goes on the attack like a nasty broad. It is just impossible to relax around the old broad. A nasty piece of work. If you show ability and intelligence he will constantly tear you down like the dumb inbred he is. Don has almost no followers after 40 years which says it all.
Bob Smith gets yelled at and bullied daily by this prick. Just despicable behavior. Calls others weirdos when his shleps are all goofs who look like the set of Deliverance. Like Ivan, president of the Hollow Earth Society and Royalty. Then there's the guy with the biker patches that are all fake. And the guy who got a sex change. And the nasty Jew who Don likes around just to rub your face in shit. Don has his website run by CSIS spy White hating Gerry Lincoln a homo Jew lover. Don is a low life Jewnigger mix pretending to extoll White Values while being trailer park trash. He is unfair, mean spirted and nothing good comes from him. His politcal meetings are just drunken potsmoking dribble. The Nat Party is just Don's ego trip no one belongs to it and Don funnily enough won't seriously promote his cause because he knows it's a joke. Don gets jealous like a dizzy dame if anyone says anything intelligent or interesting and goes on the attack like a nasty broad. It is just impossible to relax around the old broad. A nasty piece of work. If you show ability and intelligence he will constantly tear you down like the dumb inbred he is. Don has almost no followers after 40 years which says it all.